Monday, August 12, 2019

Ben Hou Lodge And Characteristics Of Market Segment Case Study

Ben Hou Lodge And Characteristics Of Market Segment - Case Study Example This is due to the fact that in business while selling a product the nationality of that specific country from where the product is created does not matter, and the product is always sold to the global market for maximum profits. The target customers would have extremely high expectations regarding the quality of the product. They would want to have the highest quality of the product which they have been promised from the Lodge and therefore it is important that the Lodge contains the best luxuries money can buy for these rich people to have a laidback leisure time away from work. It should have high-quality furniture at the resort and there should be a good amount of people to look after the guest. There should be great artwork in the rooms of the resort and the food should be made by the best of the chefs from all over the world. The entire ambiance of the place should be conducive for the retreat of the elite few from the rest of the world, and therefore the resort has to make sure that all their needs and demands should be met according to the highest standards possible. The implications for the Lodge are really promising. The Lodge has developed a safari ride for its high flying customer’s horse trekking, photography and other outdoor related activities. The resort has been converted into a game reserve and the response to this place has been very positive. The managers of the retreat think that the best way of marketing is to spread the word about the place through those people who have visited the place and have appreciated the beauty of the place. Publicity and public relations have been the main way through which marketing has been done for the retreat and it has been working out perfectly well for now. The implications for the place are bright and the future looks solid for a good business. It is not difficult for the Lodge to conduct marketing research since the segment for the  market has already been defined as the filthy rich people.  

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